How is the communication system in Belarus? Here, Broadcast media include 7 state-controlled national TV channels; Polish and Russian TV broadcasts are available in some areas; state-run Belarusian Radio operates 5 national networks and an external service; Russian and Polish radio broadcasts are available (2019). What about Telecommuication systems and Internet? Explore this article to find out more.
More about communication in Belarus
Internet country code .by
Broadband - fixed subscriptions
Total 3,255,552 (2020 est.)
Subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 35 (2020 est.)
Internet users
Total 8.352 million (2021 est.)
Percent of population 87% (2021 est.)
Telecommunication systems
General assessment The Government of Belarus has successfully promoted the migration to an all-IP platform as part of a wider effort towards a digital transformation for the economy; the state-supported infrastructure operator beCloud has built an extensive fiber network, which reaches all but the smallest settlements in the country; Belarus has the second-highest fiber subscription rate in Europe, behind only Iceland; LTE coverage is almost universal, while considerable progress has also been made in developing 5G services (2021)
Domestic Fixed-line teledensity is improving although rural areas continue to be underserved, approximately 45 per 100 fixed-line; mobile-cellular teledensity now roughly 123 telephones per 100 persons (2021)
International Country code - 375; Belarus is landlocked and therefore a member of the Trans-European Line (TEL), Trans-Asia-Europe (TAE) fiber-optic line, and has access to the Trans-Siberia Line (TSL); 3 fiber-optic segments provide connectivity to Latvia, Poland, Russia, and Ukraine; worldwide service is available to Belarus through this infrastructure; additional analog lines to Russia; Intelsat, Eutelsat, and Intersputnik earth stations; almost 31,000 base stations in service in 2019 (2020)
Telephones - fixed lines
Total subscriptions 4.23 million (2022 est.)
Subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 44 (2022 est.)
Telephones - mobile cellular
Total subscriptions 11.771 million (2022 est.)
Subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 123 (2022 est.)
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Belarus is found in Eastern Europe